Google announced a new plan structure for India in 2023| AI Plays a Major role to make India’s Digitisation Journey

  • The Mahanayak in the tech industry Sunder Pechoi Google CEO has announced their plan towards India in the event “Google for India” which is held on 19th December in New Delhi.
  • The core focus of this event by pushing the AI system, with the help of the internet, the daily routine life activities of Indian people are facilitated through text, Speech, and Image.
  • Revealing his initiative, Google said that they plan to invest approx $10 billion in India through its Digitization fund to implement its initiatives of Multisearch in the Google app, bringing DigiLoker to Andriod and fraud detection in Google pay. Take a look at the announcement which Google announced at the event.

In the past few years, India become one of the largest markets for internet users with a growth of more than 400%. In villages, this figure also increased. In 2020 tech giant Google announced to invest $10 billion in India, through their ‘Google for India Digitization Fund’ to accelerate India’s digital economy. In the past two years, they achieving several milestones. Now Google focused to push AI systems in the country to make the Internet inclusive.

India is always the first choice for Google shared by Sunder Pichai the CEO of Google. Mostly the time they introduce the things in India first and then they implement another country. Sunder shared the upcoming innovation which they are introducing in the sector of Language, Agriculture, Health Care, and Women’s Enterpeniourship.

Sunder Pichai added in his speech

“This drop off at each step represents a huge missed opportunity not just for people but the economy as a whole. This happens because even today in 2022 the internet is not fully inclusive. It is text first, largely driven by English and most worryingly safer for some and less safe for others,” he added.

Visual Search Improvement

In 2023 they introduce a multi-search option to make visual search more relevant and easy thus people can search simultaneously with images and text it is available in India by 2023 starting with Hindi language and followed by many other Indian languages soon.

Project ‘Vani

India is a multi cultural country where one pharas is very much popular “कोस-कोस पर पानी बदले, चार कोस पर वाणी”. So the basis of this they launched their second initiative Project ‘Vani’ a web page in the native language, with the help of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. Google worked on open-source speech data to power its bilingual search results and back language solution for India.

project Vani
Project Vani

Google plans to build a unified module capable of more than 100 languages special for India to make the Internet a more inclusive experience for Indian users. He also introduces the Hinglish feature with the help of an AI system where the internet can understand English plus Hindi mix language if someone uses it on a search engine.

Google Lens
Google Lens

We can see some changes in Google lens service with the use of this people can select the image and ask any question related to this like what is the price of the image and who made this image etc.

Google in the ‘Agriculture‘ Sector

We know how important Agriculture will play the role in India, in any manner almost half of the population will rely on it. With the help of the AI system and Indian farmers face a lot of issues, so to resolve these issues Google introduce the feature to get a loan at any point in time.

These days if someone wants to take a loan he has to face a lot of challenges and complete the paperwork. after that bank send a person for the land verification and all other verification after completing all the formalities than farmer gets the fund but now Google plan to resolve all the system with the help of an AI system, if someone has the land they can check the land area like how much size the land have, what is the position of water, how much far from the land is, when crop growing crop cutting, and what is the annual harvest, these all relevance queries answer authorities and bank can get the help of satellite imaginary remote sensing.

Google in the Health Sector

We all know how difficult to understand doctors’ prescriptions most of the time medical store people also guess to understand. But now we can read it easily and understand it with the help of the ‘Google lens system‘ to indicate what the problem and illness are or not.

Health sector
Health Sector

From a security point of view on online transactions, Company took inactively and introduce a few good things as they started the option where if someone does an online transaction and any fraud might be happening to him/her they send an alert message. They also introduce Digi lockers for storing documents.

Project ‘Relate’

Project Relate
Project Relate

In this project Google plan to help those people who are not very much friendly to others’ native language so for help those people, they introduce the feature project relate which helps people to say in their own language and Google translate it into the proper way to explain it another person that what the person wants to say.

Help to Boost Women’s Enterpeniour through Project ‘Bindi’

project Bindi
Project Bindi

Basic Internet access users are one out of ten was the earlier ratio in villages, which has changed, and a lot of initiatives taken by Google in the past the ratio is increased to 4 out of 10. Now they introduce their new project in 2023 to boost women`s enterpeniourship in India going to start project ‘Bindi’ and plan to invest a huge amount in this project to help more women to succeed in their respective fields.

Summary: In 2 hours discussion, India`s leading partners in the digital field of Enterpeniour are attending this event and they also feel glad to this hear things and feel more confident about this collaboration between India and Google. The event ends on a good note and showed the confidence of the young generation in Tech.


Q 1: Who is ‘Sunder Pichai’?

Answer: He is the CEO of Google.

Q 2: What is project ‘Bindi’?

Answer: In this project Google plan to invest fund to explore the Women of Enterpeniour in India.

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